If you’re having trouble checking your LESCO duplicate bill, have misplaced it or received a copy at home and now you can’t make out the exact figures on what needs to be paid.
This is not only because of these reasons alone. However, they are important factors that have made checking one’s electricity bills through trusted means vital for many more effective options than standing in long queues during unbearably hot days as well.

LESCO stands for the Lahore Electric Supply Company, which supplies electricity in and around Pakistan’s capital city Lahore.
They have a maximum demand of 3062MW that they supply to customers with seventy-three 132KV grid stations across eleven 66 KVK lines throughout their area during the 2013-2014 years.
How To Check The LESCO Online Bill?
-n our website, the input field for your reference number has been made easy compared with other websites. There are three easy ways to check your bill online.
1- Bill With Customer ID
With customer ID, it is super easy to check the Lesco bill.
- You need only enter your seven-digit customer number.
- Press “process” for a screen that lets you know if there are any issues with charges on file or pending payments from this account holder before our company can process them.
You’ll want to make sure when inputting each word exactly how we wrote them above. Ensure letter-spacing matches up perfectly as well.
2- Bill with Reference NO

You can find out if there is a LESCO consumer bill in your area by looking up the reference number.
You will enter 15 digits and press “process,” which will show any duplicates against that same person’s information with this method.
3- Bill with SMS Service
To stay up-to-date with your electricity bill, LESCO has launched a service that sends messages and emails.
This will allow you to take advantage of all the benefits they offer, such as staying aware of billing and supply schedules. To activate it, follow these instructions:
- Visit the website.
- Select the option you want, such as email and SMS.
- Then you have to insert your customer ID.
- Enter your current mobile number.
- Add your email address.
- Click the option Submit, and now you can receive updates via SMS and email.
Areas Covered By LESCO
- Lahore
- Sheikhupura
- Nankana
- Okara
- Kasur