The Slayer Master OSRS are a group of NPCs that assign tasks to players that require them to kill specific monsters.
Each one has different combat level requirements and will generally offer longer or more difficult monster encounters than others, depending on the slayer master’s capabilities.
Players earn reward points by completing these assignments; those can be redeemed for various items in-game.

A slayer is a type of player character whose goal is to kill monsters that are immune or otherwise resistant.
The process for becoming one, called “slaying,” requires visiting with experienced players who will go over what tasks need completing based on your combat levels at specific points during play.
Experience awards upon successful completion – even if they’re considered easy targets.
Slayer Equipment
At a Slayer Equipment shop, you’ll find tools for fighting monsters and weapons to take them down. All shops share the same stock of items – so if your current task requires something that isn’t there, just go ahead and order it.
Slayer Reward Point
The Slayer reward points system is a way to acknowledge and distribute your accomplishments in the game. The more tasks completed, the higher level of slayer master you will trade with them for some cool stuff.
Turael is a humble man with the patience to teach those who have an eager heart. He can be found in Burthorpe, where he resides on the eastern side of town near his daughter Spria’s house;
there are no teleport options available for reaching him other than using one of these accessories or running east until you come across them (although it may take some time).

Spira is a Slayer master and daughter of Turael. She lives in Draynor Village, where she assists the player by taking on Sarah’s bounty during A Porcine Interest.
Afterward, Sprias becomes your go-to for making sure monsters are never too hard to kill. No matter what task you need doing – whether its Farming Tokkul from rift Crystal or Kuradel Bralmamadar…it will always get completed when it needs doing thanks again, sister.
Afterward, Springs becomes your go-to for making sure monsters are never too hard to kill. No matter what task you need to be done – whether it’s Farming Tokkul from rift crystals or Kuradel Bralmamadar…it will always get completed when it needs doing. Thanks again, sister.
Slayer Cape
The Slayer cape is the Cape of Accomplishment for players who have achieved level 99 in the Slaying skill. The black cape can be purchased from Duradel (slayer master), located at Shilo Village with a price tag of around 100k coins, and requires completion of their questline before it becomes accessible to you!
If one maxes out all other skills but doesn’t get this victory lap bonus, they still would not compare to those skilled enough by nature or nurture.