GEPCO is a company that provides electricity to the districts of Gujranwala, Hafizabad and Sialkot.
GEPCO has about 3098120 active connections with an average monthly collection for last year 8937 million rupees, according to their official statement on their website. They also provide GEPCO duplicate bill services which makes easy for people to submit bills online.
Gepco power corporation was established in 1998 by taking over responsibility from Multan Electric Supply Company Limited. It has provided electric supply services since 1948 after Independence when Pakistan got its independence.
The new name Gepco Power Corporation came into being because it supplies energy within Punjab and beyond borders up till the Gilgit Baltistan area.
GEPCO Bill Email Service
GEPCO provides a monthly bill email service. Just provide your reference number, and you are all set for a reminder before the due date, with information on how to pay as well.
GEPCO Online Bill Payment
GEPCO has made paying your bills online easy. Instead of waiting in long queues, you can now pay them at many different collection points. You have one option that is common for all these places: One Link.
GEPCO Load Shedding Schedule
GEPCO’s official website provides Load Shedding Schedules. You have the option to choose between three different load management schedules:
- Consumer Wise
- daily power outage report
- Zero-Load shedding feeders high loss feeds all other categories
GEPCo has also created an online tool called “Smart Meter Data Assistant Tool“, which helps you analyze your energy data by providing valuable insights into how you can save money on electricity bills through efficiency measures.
GEPCO Tenders
The links to the different types of tenders are all over gepco.com.pk. So, if you’re looking for some information on what they are or how many there were present during your time searching them out, then this is an easy place to start.
Aim Of GEPCO Duplicate Bill

GEPCO will strive to provide electricity for the people of Pakistan. They are dedicated to their primary aim, which is how they can help increase earnings and other finest facilities offered by providing optimum services that others need from them.
This includes everything from generating power through hydropower plants down to ensuring customers have access at an affordable rate.