Can Computer Mouse Cause Shoulder Pain? | Information

Desk workers who repeatedly use the mouse and keyboard are likely to experience Mouse Arm Syndrome. This condition affects the hand, wrist, and shoulder. 

Mouse Arm Syndrome is a condition that may cause pain in the wrist, elbow, shoulder, hand, and even arm. It may also cause pain in the fingers.

You’re sitting at your desk, working away on a project, when you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your shoulder. You stop what you’re doing and try to massage the pain away, but it seems to get worse.

We can conclude that computer mice may cause shoulder pain in people, especially those sitting in front of the computer for a long period. 

Most of the time, shoulder pain from computer mice is caused by overuse. People who use their mouse for more than 8 hours per day are more likely to get shoulder pain.

Moreover, since we are all different, one size does not fit all, and mouses that work well for some may not work well for others.

Often, the individual will not recall when they began to experience pain or notice that the pain is increasing in duration or intensity. 

In many cases, patients assume that the pain is caused by unrelated causes when they are incorrect.

Shoulder pain at work is getting more and more typical. Particularly now that many of us work from home.

What Is Mouse Shoulder?

Poor ergonomics or inappropriate arm and wrist support can cause mouse shoulders when using a mouse for long periods.

What Is Mouse Shoulder?
source: consepsys

It can develop over weeks or months and is frequently described as a “burning” or deep hurting sensation. The discomfort radiates over one side of the neck and into the shoulder. 

When your mouse is too low or too high, you frequently reach for it, which might lead to a mouse’s shoulder. 

If it’s too high, you’ll always be tense in your arm, shoulder, and neck, leading to muscle imbalance.

Real pain issues in the shoulder, neck, and upper back can result from this repetitive strain injury (RSI), also known as a work-related upper limb condition, resulting from repeated repetitive movements in a small area. 

Once formed, Mouse Shoulder can be maintained with less than an hour of mouse use per day. It may take a few weeks or months to develop.

Most people have improper workstation setupssetups in their workplaces, sometimes during home office tasks, which directly or indirectly cause shoulder pain.

Can You Get Rid Of Mouse Shoulder?

Low-level laser treatment and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) effectively treat Mouse shoulders.

Medical acupuncture can treat the painful trigger points in acute cases to lessen extreme pain and muscular spasm.

If you have Mouse Arm Syndrome, it is crucial to speak with a qualified medical professional who can properly diagnose your condition and create an effective treatment plan for you. 

It’s crucial to pinpoint the main causes of your Mouse Arm Syndrome if you want to recover your health and stop experiencing symptoms.

The variety of methods should be used during treatment:

  1. Massage stretches, dry needling, and shockwave therapy are all examples of manual therapy.
  2. Exercise regimen incorporating training on muscular release, mobility, and strength
  3. Tips on good posture and ergonomic setup setup
  4. Suggestions on how to live for general health
  5. The upper back muscles can be worked out by engaging in racket sports, swimming, Pilates, archery, or bell ringing.

How Do l Get Mouse Shoulder?

In layman’s terms, Mouse Shoulder is a condition that occurs when an arm is not properly supported while using a computer.

How Do l Get Mouse Shoulder?
source: manhattansportstherapy

It’s referred to as a repetitive strain injury (RSI) in medical terminology. When using a computer, repetitive actions might cause neck, back, or shoulder pain.

The most common problem is holding the mouse too tightly, causing muscle contraction and tension. 

Mouse shoulder is a type of RSI that affects the tendons and muscles in your shoulder, neck, and upper back. 

The condition is caused by repetitive motions, such as those often used when operating a computer mouse. 

The Symptoms Of Mouse Shoulder:

  1. Using the computer mouse causes shoulder pain.
  2. A pain that travels down your arm and into your hands.
  3. The tightness that originates in your shoulders or upper back.
  4. Headaches.
  5. A shaky sensation in your hand
  6. Tingling or numbness in your hand.

How To Relieve Shoulder Pain From Using A Mouse?

A variety of methods should be used to treat this condition. Manual therapy, which may include massage, stretching, dry needling, and shockwave therapy. 

Work on strengthening, mobility, and muscular release as part of an exercise prescription, ergonomic and posture advice.

If you spend a plenty of time at a computer, you might be surprised to learn that your mouse is one of the biggest culprits of shoulder pain. 

That’s because you tend to hunch your shoulder to reach the mousepad when you use a mouse. This can cause a lot of strain on your shoulder and neck muscles, leading to pain.

You can relieve your shoulder pain using the following methods:

Fix Your Sitting Posture:

Changing postures to improve shoulder motions includes rolling shoulders up and back, letting them relax, tucking the chin down, and sitting up from the hips.

Sometimes getting into this posture involves standing up against a wall and making contact with your head, upper back, and hips.

Make Sure Your Elbows Have Support:

Wear a shoulder splint or elbow pad. Cushion your sore joints with these padded supports.

The important thing is that you have something to help support your elbows so that you don’t end up with pain in your elbows or wrists.

Hold Your Mouse Correctly:

A mouse’s shoulder might also result from how you hold the mouse. Experts advise keeping your mouse close by and within reach to prevent overstretching. 

Never hold a mouse too tightly when using one. Maintain a comfortable grip on the mouse and your hand.

Stretch And Move Regularly:

Pull the right arm to the left and across your chest while extending your left hand behind your elbow. 

Until the discomfort subsides, lower the arm. Release after 30 to 50 seconds of maintaining this position. Three to five times should be repeated.

Visit A Chiropractor:

Visit A Chiropractor:
source: chiropatient

Yes, shoulders are treated by chiropractors. Due to its extensive range of motion and regular use, the shoulder joint is one of the body’s most complicated joints. 

Although many people will go to a chiropractor for their back problems, these medical professionals treat more than only the spine’s joints.


Mouse shoulder is a common problem, especially in the younger, more active population. 

It can be caused by poor ergonomics, the wrong type (or size) of the mouse device, and excessive use of mouse devices. 

As more and more people spend most of their day in front of a computer monitor, shoulder pain has become more common. 

People develop stiff shoulder muscles from sitting in front of a PC for hours, which causes pain during exercise.

You may develop mouse shoulder if you reach for your mouse too often while it is too low or too high.

If it’s too high, you’ll continually feel tense in your arm, shoulder, and neck, which will cause a muscular imbalance.